The focus of this day is on thinking about contexts and values in early childhood settings through the lens of possibilities offered by the educational project of Reggio Emilia. Beginning with an overview of key pedagogical principles, Stefania will share stories from daily life in the municipal infant-toddler centres and schools; the evolution of a project drawing and narrative from Arcobaleno infant-toddler centre; the experience of the learning community at Neruda school welcoming a child with Down’s syndrome; and The Story of the Last Paratrooper to Land, a celebration of the ‘meaningful alliance’ between educators and families. Stefania uses rich images and video footage from her research internship in Reggio Emilia to illustrate the possibilities that pedagogical documentation offers to make values and choices visible in early childhood settings.
$95 per participant
Professional Development Certificate for 6 hours will be available
Friday July 4, 2014
9:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Blue Shore Centre for Performing Arts, Capilano University
Stefania’s engagement with the early childhood field internationally spans over 15 years. Previously an early childhood teacher in an International School in Rome (Italy) and a Montessori School in Perth (Western Australia), she is currently a Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Curtin University in Perth. Stefania spent six months engaging in PhD research in the world-renowned municipal infant-toddler centres and schools of the city of Reggio Emilia, Italy. She maintains strong reciprocal relationships with educators, atelieriste, pedagogiste, and other key protagonists in Reggio Emilia. Stefania is the author of Dancing with Reggio Emilia: Metaphors for Quality, published in 2013 by Pademelon Press.