Stefania illustrates sensitivity to aesthetics of the environment in the schools of Reggio Emilia as a cultural choice and value. She shows how schools and communities can be empathetic environments, welcoming to children, educators, and families, places that ‘belong’ to children and speak of them. This talk will inspire participants to imagine and create beautiful environments for children and with children and to consider aesthetics as a value.
$20 per participant
Professional Development Certificate for 2 hours will be available
Thursday July 3, 2014
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Blue Shore Centre for Performing Arts, Capilano University
Stefania’s engagement with the early childhood field internationally spans over 15 years. Previously an early childhood teacher in an International School in Rome (Italy) and a Montessori School in Perth (Western Australia), she is currently a Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Curtin University in Perth. Stefania spent six months engaging in PhD research in the world-renowned municipal infant-toddler centres and schools of the city of Reggio Emilia, Italy. She maintains strong reciprocal relationships with educators, atelieriste, pedagogiste, and other key protagonists in Reggio Emilia. Stefania is the author of Dancing with Reggio Emilia: Metaphors for Quality, published in 2013 by Pademelon Press.