All SFUCCS educators were invited to be part of the book club. The book club began with the I/T educators as we read and discussed, Bambini: The Italian Approach to Infant/Toddler Care (Edited by Lella Gandini and Carolyn Pope Edwards). The 3-5 and School Age educators became involved with the Designs for Living and Learning: Transforming Early Childhood Environments (Deb Curtis and Margie Carter). I was inspired by the book club at the 2015 Sharing Circle. I thought it sounded very interesting and enjoyable. SFUCCS consists of 15 programs. I felt that a book club was a way for all interested educators to come together to share their Reggio journeys. It was a way to connect the East side and West side and all the educators in the I/T, 3-5 and School Age programs.
At SFUCCS we strive to form an education community and create a culture of learning. The book club gave us the opportunity to discuss ideas, share opinions and reflect on how the readings impacted our practice. We see the book club as professional development and it is our intent to continue. The Bambini book encouraged the I/T educators to share their triumphs and their trials within their programs. Our discussions included the vital role that all levels of government must play in developing and providing affordable high quality childcare. The importance of involving the families within your childcare practice. The necessity of professional development and of supporting each other on our journeys.
The Designs book is very exciting for all SFUCCS educators. We’ve just begun our exploration of this book. Each program completed the assessment within the book and all educators within the programs were encouraged by their high levels of success in meeting the criteria. There is always room for improvement and this book will be invaluable in our moving forward. The Designs book will also benefit all educators in preparation for the SFUCCS April 2017 Conference where Deb Curtis and Margie Carter are to be the keynote speakers.
Joan Dupont
Simon Fraser University Child Care Society
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