Documenting with Technology In a Reggio Inspired Music Program
At Brentwood Park Elementary School, we have been exploring the use of !pads to aid in documentation learning experiences. This inquiry was conducted through co-collaborative projects involving Matthew Yanko’s music program, Priscilla Yap’s grade one class, and Jessica Taylor’s kindergarten class. This inquiry stemmed out of a dilemma Matthew was facing in his music program with documenting his students learning. As music is a difficult medium to interpret on a documentation wall, we choose to explore it using the !pad to capture students’ music making experiences and post our learning journey on a class blog instead of a documentation wall.
From this project, the iPad became a tool for us to document, share with one another, and reflect on projects. From the Reggio Emilia approach, we adapted this documentation from the wall to an online blog and kept the reflective element and student voice at the heart of this project. As a result, students began to take ownership of their learning journey and discoveries that we undertook together.
This experience has developed a foundation for our students to take a reflective role, and will hopefully allow for deeper insights and questions to arise if we continue this means of documentation next year. As co-collaborators, Jessica, Priscilla, and I have developed a static means of documentation inspired by Reggio Emilia principles. It has made us think deeper about our voice and our students’ voice in documentation, as well as the means of documentation that we acquire to use as provocations.
Matthew Yanko
Brentwood Elementary School
Priscilla Yap
Brentwood Elementary School
Jessica Taylor
Brentwood Elementary School
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