The project started when a group of children between the ages of 3-4 years old asked for some green painter’s tape as they were building with blocks. This exploration became a vehicle to creating highways of all sorts.
At times, their ideas changed as other provocations were introduced such as, the cash register paper.
For one and half months, the interest of using the green tape and the role of paper with blocks, cars and trains continued and was a popular investigation among most of the children in our classroom in different capacities.
By being curious, carefully listening and inquiring with the children, we collaborated with the children and families in this exploration and investigation.
After critically reflecting on our pedagogical narration, as educators we learned that we value relationships. However, the concept of relationship in our practise was not just about relationship between us, the educators and the children; rather the concept of relationships was more complex. We understand that relationship is about educators and children, but also relationships between children and children, relationships with the classroom, and relationships with the home and community.
This project validated to us how the environment as the third teacher is not only a physical one but one that forms as a safe, nurturing and supportive atmosphere where children feel secure and encouraged through interactions.
Moving forward, we will continue building and facilitating relationships and make it a priority in all areas of learning in our program.
Carmen Rivas
Bet Preschool at the Jewish Community Centre Of Greater Vancouver
Jen Polsky
Bet Preschool at the Jewish Community Centre Of Greater Vancouver
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